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October 01, 2022


The month of October as many may already know is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We are reminded this time every year, of the struggles felt by many fighting this form of cancer. Although it is always important to know that this fight is one that goes beyond just one month every year, this month allows us the time to bring the all-important attention needed to the fight to end breast cancer. Because of that, we here in Beauty Image have chosen to advertise and theme our website appropriately. With the hope that maybe at least one more person, can be reminded or made aware of these issues.

As CEO of Beauty Image, we make experiences celebrated by many women every year. With the hope of giving joy and confidence to as many people as possible. It is without a doubt that women form a core part of our business and our industry. But cancer is more than just a marketing gimmick to me, it is also something that has affected me personally.

Unfortunately over the years, many people who have been close to me, family and friends, have been diagnosed with cancer. It is through living these experiences with them, that I have truly been able to understand the need to push for this disease's end. It opened my eyes as to what this month means for so many.

Luckily, there are so many different organizations and peers standing up in this fight. I join them and am one of the many who are pledging what I can this month. It is in the honor of those experiences that I have pledged $2,000 to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

I now ask that anyone that has read this message to donate whatever they can, at whatever amount they can to an organization fighting breast cancer. I have left a link below this message to all those who want to donate. If you cannot donate, there is no shame in that, we are living through difficult times right now. But you can still participate, please spread the message around as it helps in ways may not notice. But make sure that it is not a message of sadness, but one of hope. Because I believe that a solution is possible. That one can be found not just within our lifetimes, but that it is around the corner. With our help, anything is possible!