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Sep 24, 2024

Every esthetician knows that waxing is a useful hair removal method that's made all the better with the right supplies at hand. There's no denying that the right technique is imperative for a good waxing experience, but the right skills can only take you so far if you don't have the proper equipment to make treatment as efficient as it can be. Professional waxing supplies for beauty salons are all the accessories, tools, and gadgets used at different stages of a wax session to help the process along. Some of these tools are specific for certain procedures, but all of them are permanent fixtures that can't be absent from an esthetician's working station.

What Do I Need During a Wax Treatment?

A high-end wax treatment involves many different supplies, starting with the wax itself. Wax formulas are the chief ingredient in a successful session, so estheticians always keep the best brands in store and enough variety to cater to the client's needs. You need to have both hard and soft waxes available to treat different parts of the body while providing all the soothing benefits that clients look for in a professional service. You must also be mindful of potential allergies, so take the time to get familiar with the ingredients of each formula in stock.

Now, during an appointment, the wax goes through a whole process that's aided by different tools and accessories. The esthetician uses these supplies to prepare, apply, and then remove the wax without harming the client's skin along the way. Here's a list of everything you need:

  • Applicators: More commonly known as spatulas, wax applicators do a quick job spreading the wax evenly on the skin. A standard applicator is 1-inch wide and this is enough to work on different parts of the body with no issue. Most brands, however, offer multiple sizes and widths to deal with harder-to-reach areas. Wooden applicators are the preferred choice, but they can also be made of metal.

  • Strips: They are an essential item in all soft wax treatments. The strips are pressed on the skin after the wax has been spread. They stick to the wax and remove all the hairs on the area when the esthetician pulls them off. Depending on your preferences, you can buy a roll of muslin / non-woven epilating paper to cut it yourself or you can save time with a set of pre-cut strips.

  • Wax heater: A quality wax heater will make your life easier when it comes to getting the perfect wax consistency to avoid burns and cracks on the wax. Unlike regular microwaves, wax warmers have adjustable heat controls that will help you warm the wax until it takes the right consistency to be applied to the skin. Some professional heaters also have multiple slots to heat different types of wax products at the same time.

  • Wax pot: Made of aluminum, wax pots have enough capacity to match the size of most wax cans. They usually have a wide handle and a lid, so you can carry them around without a problem. They are also very easy to clean.

  • Pre-depilatory powder: Pre-wax powders remove excess oil from the skin to help the wax grab the hair more smoothly. This also entails less pain when the hairs are pulled off.

  • Cleansing formulas: Cleansers are important both before and after a wax treatment. They remove sweat and dead skin cells while prepping the skin for the wax. After waxing, post-wax cleansers remove wax residues and get rid of that sticky sensation that usually stays on newly waxed skin.

  • Antiseptic cream: The skin is at its most sensitive after a wax session. There are many post-wax creams enriched with antibiotic and antioxidant properties to prevent infections while the pores are open and they must be applied soon after a treatment to avoid issues down the line.

  • Soothing Gel: Another important part of aftercare, these gels provide a much-needed cooling effect that will help the skin heal faster after a wax. They usually have natural properties like aloe vera, cucumber, and cotton extract.

  • A waxing cart: A cart is a useful tool in almost any situation. A waxing cart helps you maintain a tidy working space as you add new items to your collection of waxing supplies. They have easy-to-reach compartments to store big and small accessories, so you can have everything at hand while performing a wax treatment. The fact that you can move around your workstation without having to occupy your hands with several items is also a huge plus.

Taking Care of your Waxing Supplies

Buying high-quality supplies is important but you must also know how to properly care for your equipment. Some of the supplies mentioned above must be thrown away after a session (applicators, strips) but others are meant to last for years. You must know how to properly clean your tools after every appointment if you want to keep them in good condition. Also, your clients expect a sanitary environment where they don't have to worry about germs and infections. If your supplies aren't properly sanitized, it will take no time for people to notice and take their business elsewhere. Some tips to keep in mind:

  • Sterilize your waxing pot after each session.
  • You can heat the pot to remove the excess wax. If you leave the wax to cool down before cleaning, you'll have more trouble getting it out.
  • Get rid of the leftover wax to avoid instances of double-dipping, but don't throw it down the drain or it might clog your pipes.
  • Strips are also useful to clean wax residue and less likely to cause a mess.
  • Disinfect your wax heater regularly, even if you don't see wax residue. You can cover the containers with paper collars and use mineral oils to clean the rest.

Do you want the finest accessories and products for your salon? Beauty Image has just what you need. We have the most effective wax formulas and the best quality equipment to help you provide the best hair removal services. Call TOLL FREE 888-513-8815 or fill out our website's contact form to learn more about the products on display. And don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest news and tips straight to your inbox.

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About Author

Adriana Mendez is the CEO of Beauty Image USA, a leading brand in the beauty industry dedicated to providing estheticians, cosmetologists, salons, spas, and licensed beauty professionals with high-quality and sustainable hair removal products. From wax to pre- and post-care products, Adriana's commitment to excellence ensures that Beauty Image USA consistently delivers products of the highest standard.
