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Jan 01, 2018

Nowadays, there are more hair removal options available than ever before, which means that everyone is sure to find the methods and products that best suit them. Waxing remains by far one of the most common, effective, and economical hair removal options, so it is important to know everything about the different types of waxes available. This will help clients make an informed choice before they book their waxing appointments or decide to wax at home.

Wax is a mixture of ingredients such as beeswax, resins, and lubricators like essential oils. This combination has the perfect adherence to facilitate the pulling out of hair by the root. Wax formulas have gotten more refined and enriched with nourishing ingredients that soothe and protect skin. They come in attractive colors and presentations and with delicious fragrances.

Generally speaking, wax can be classified according to the temperature at which it is applied. We have hot wax which includes soft or hard wax and cold wax. Let's learn about the characteristics of each of these types:

Hot Wax:

This type of wax has to be warmed in a professional wax warmer until it melts and reaches the optimal temperature and consistency for application. Once it has melted, it is easier to spread it on the skin's surface where hair needs to be removed. There are two types of hot wax:

  • Soft Wax: This is the most common type of hot wax used at salons. It usually comes in cans, jars or roll-ons, and it has a malleable texture that softens even more when it is warmed. Beauty Image has a variety of soft waxes with natural properties and delicious aromas. To remove hair with soft wax, the esthetician uses a spatula and cloth strips that adhere to the wax to pulls out the hair.
  • Hard Wax: This type of wax usually comes in trays, pellets or beads, or disks like Finewax Glamour beads and Green Disks from Beauty Image. Hard wax is easy to use, and has a firmer texture that does not require the use of muslin strips since the hair is pulled out with the layer of hard wax.

Cold Wax:

This wax is pre-applied on strips that are cut based on the shapes and sizes that work best for different body parts, such as the legs, underarms, or face. As the name suggests, this type of waxing does not need any warming. Rubbing the strip lightly between both palms will suffice to make it softer so that it sticks to the hair.

How Does Hot Wax Compare to Cold Wax?

We have put together this table with everything you need to know about both types of wax.

Application method Efficient application requires proper knowledge and care. That is why it should mainly be used by professionals. Estheticians need to allow enough time for preparation and application, so hot waxing procedures should not be done in a hurry. With ready-to-use strips, cold wax needs minimal preparation and can be used anywhere. You can even take it with you when travelling. Best for Coarse hair, such as underarm and pubic hair. The texture of hot wax even adheres well to short hair. It is advisable for large areas, like the legs and back. It is best for areas with finer and shorter hair, like the face. It does not grasp hairs as well as hot wax, so it is not advisable for large areas. It is best for small areas and home use. Temperature up (around 20 seconds), and it should have a consistency that is a little bit thicker than maple syrup. To cool it down quickly, hold the spatula and make a few spinning motions. Hard wax takes longer to heat, and once it has melted, it should have a thick, slow drip. If it looks too runny, it is too hot. Adding more beads or disks in the warmer will help if you need to cool down the wax quickly. The warmth of the wax opens up skin pores, making hair removal easier. However, if it is too cold, it won't remove hair properly. If it is too hot, it can cause burns. It only needs to be rubbed between both palms in order to make it easier to adhere the pre-applied wax to the skin. It does not open up pores as much as hot wax. However, it is advisable for people who cannot tolerate heat well. The colder temperature makes it more comfortable for people with circulatory problems. Risks Overall, the risks of hot wax and cold wax are similar. It is important to note that people with sensitive skin may get red bumps, irritation, or grazed skin in very serious cases. Neither type of wax should ever be used on damaged skin. During menstruation, skin can be more sensitive to pain, so it is advisable to take one or two painkillers to diminish the discomfort. Whether hot or cold wax is used, it is not advisable to get a tan, go to the beach, or bathe in chlorinated water right after a waxing procedure. The risk of ingrown hairs tends to decrease with hot waxing. Contraindications The contraindications for both types of waxes are similar. Depilation with either type of wax is not suitable for people on certain kinds of medication (acne medication). If you have had chemical peelings, neither type of wax should be used. People with varicose veins are advised not to undergo waxing treatments since their blood vessels are too sensitive to endure the heat of the wax. People with circulatory problems are advised to avoid hot temperatures since heat can increase the risk of blood vessel expansion and damage. People who suffer from diabetes are more prone to infection in case their skin gets irritated or damaged. Final results It progressively debilitates the hair follicle, which means that you will be able to go longer without depilation. Besides, the hair will be finer. Similar to hot wax, cold wax will help hair to eventually become thinner. Wax strips are great for touch-ups.

Which is ultimately the best type of wax?

The final choice will depend on individual needs. Both types of waxes are suitable for most body parts, except for the intimate area, in which case hot wax is much better, since this type (especially soft wax) adheres much better to dense hair and facilitates successful removal.

Once you know the most important advantages and disadvantages of each type of wax, you can help your clients make a smart decision—one that suits their personal characteristics, routine, and preferences. The most important thing to do as an esthetician is to enhance the waxing experience for your clients. Always remember to analyze their medical history to avoid problems and side effects! You can also have them try each type of wax on a small area of their skin, or encourage them to try different types of waxes in different sessions in order to find the one that best suits them. Help them feel comfortable about the choice they make and the results of the waxing method they choose.

Whether you need hot wax or cold wax, Beauty Image has a variety of products to choose from. If you are looking for great quality waxes for your salon, Beauty Image has the options you need. Call us at TOLL FREE 888-513-8815 or send us your questions through the contact form on this page. If you wish to have our beauty blog posts, tips, and maintenance guides for estheticians sent straight to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletter. Also, don't forget to find us on Facebook as Beauty Image USA, and follow us on Twitter @BeautyImageUSA, and Instagram @beautyimageusa.

About Author

Adriana Mendez is the CEO of Beauty Image USA, a leading brand in the beauty industry dedicated to providing estheticians, cosmetologists, salons, spas, and licensed beauty professionals with high-quality and sustainable hair removal products. From wax to pre- and post-care products, Adriana's commitment to excellence ensures that Beauty Image USA consistently delivers products of the highest standard.


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