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Sep 30, 2020

Al the benefits, the mild discomfort caused by waxes usually leads to questions about skin damage. Waxes are a huge asset in your skin care routine, often rejuvenating the skin when applied by a seasoned professional. Hard and soft body waxes are harmless when coming in contact with facial skin, but might prompt a negative reaction if your skin is still healing from previous damage.

Dark Spots on your Skin?

Darkened skin is a common problem that usually affects the armpits, elbows, and knees. These dark spots can be caused by different things, like poor hydration or allergic reactions after certain substances / materials come in contact with the area. The combination of deodorants and razors are a common cause of darkened armpits and one of the reasons why people question many other hair removal products.

Barring the dark circles that become a fixture under your eyes when you're sleep deprived, the upper lip is the part of the face that suffers the most from darkened skin and, unlike the shadows under your eyes, this darkness is usually the result of underlying skin conditions. The condition that causes these dark spots is known as hyperpigmentation. It entails an excessive production of melanin that can be triggered by different outside factors, as well as by certain hormonal changes.

Does Waxing Affect Pigmentation on your Upper Lip?

Dark upper lips are a sign of dry skin and/or sensitivity problems. Waxing and other hair removal methods can result in a dark upper lip when the skin isn't healthy enough to withstand the treatment. Let's take a look at common causes of dark upper lips and how they can affect the outcome of a wax session.

  • The skin can be irritated by many recurring ingredients in cosmetics and skin care products. As such, hyperpigmentation can happen when the skin doesn't respond well to a wax formula or the exfoliators used during the session. To counter the effects of a harmful beauty products, Hydroquinone and topical retinoids are used on treatments created to lighten the skin tone. Vitamin C, azelaic acid, tretinoin and kojic acid are also effective ingredients used in medications and skin care creams to reduce the levels of melanin production.

  • Excessive sunlight is the main cause of dark spots of skin, and the upper lip is particularly susceptible to hyperpigmentation after a wax. The sun will have a quicker effect on your skin's pigmentation if the wax used for the treatment was overheated, so it's safer to go for a wax with a low melting point and a consistency that allows a gentle treatment. If you have sensitive skin but still got the green light from your dermatologist and esthetician to get a facial wax, you must avoid sunlight at all costs for at least three days post-waxing, just to be safe.

  • Darkened skin can also be caused by melasma. This condition usually makes itself known with dark spots on different parts of the face and neck. Even though it tends to result from different hormonal changes, sun exposure can also aggravate preexisting cases of melasma, so it's best to avoid wax treatments if you start seeing dark spots on your face after going through a pregnancy or changes in your hormone levels.

  • Skin trauma left after an injury (cuts, burns, breakouts) can also result in dark spots. Aggressive acne breakouts usually leave the skin darker and scaly on areas where it's most sensitive, namely the upper lip and cheeks. All professional estheticians know that waxing is not an option when the skin is in this state, but we still urge people to keep from trying at-home waxing or other depilatory techniques on skin that's still recovering from such damage.

Preventing and Treating Dark Upper LipsProper cleaning and moisturization stand together at the heart of your skin care routine, especially if you suffer from sensitive skin. Steer away from detergent-based soaps and use a fresh cloth when cleaning and exfoliating your face. When moisturizing, look for ingredients like shea butter and argan oil to nourish the skin against the abrasion caused by the sun and other elements.

Sunblock is a must. After a wax treatment, excess melanin production is one of the skin's protective responses to sunlight, so you need to use sunscreen if you want to relieve your upper lip after the skin surrounding it has lost its outer layer. Avoid chemical sunscreens since they absorb UV rays when the point is to repel them. Sunscreens between SPF 30-50 and based of zinc oxide/titanium dioxide are usually the safest choice.

Avoid waxing and any other hair removal methods if you already suffer from a dark upper lip. This can be understandably frustrating, but the added friction and pulling of different hair removal techniques will leave the pores open to further damage. Also, if you're already working through a skin care treatment to lighten up these dark spots, adding waxes or other depilating formulas into the mix will make way for infections or allergic reactions.

There are specialized dermatological procedures designed to treat dark upper lips after the condition has settled in. Chemical peels and laser therapy are the most popular options, but there are also non-invasive treatments involving the components mentioned above. Many of these formulas can be applied on a semi-regular basis under the supervision of a dermatologist. Some of them can bring serious side effects when used in excess.

Do you want to ensure a safe and pleasant waxing experience? Beauty Image USA provides a wide-ranging collection of products and accessories to make the best of your wax session. Contact us calling TOLL FREE 1-888-513-8815 or filling out our website's contact form to learn more about our wax formulas. And don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter so we can bring the most relevant content straight to your inbox.

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About Author

Adriana Mendez is the CEO of Beauty Image USA, a leading brand in the beauty industry dedicated to providing estheticians, cosmetologists, salons, spas, and licensed beauty professionals with high-quality and sustainable hair removal products. From wax to pre- and post-care products, Adriana's commitment to excellence ensures that Beauty Image USA consistently delivers products of the highest standard.
