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Feb 19, 2025

More and more people want to switch from shaving or other hair removal methods to waxing because they've realized it's easy and has great results. But what happens when you have a skin condition? Can you still enjoy all the benefits that waxing has to offer? There is still a chance, just as there is a variety of hard or soft body waxes and waxing products that suit delicate skin. Read carefully and learn about the contraindications of waxing according to your skin problem


This condition is very common, and it causes a great deal of discomfort to the people who suffer it. The reason behind eczema is an overactive immune system because of your genetic makeup. The structure of the skin of people with eczema lacks Filaggrin, a protein that binds cells together in the topmost layer of skin, which results in a weakened skin barrier. For this reason, allergens and irritants have a magnified effect on people with eczema. The manifestations are skin inflammation, itching, redness, and dryness.

Eczema patients must stay away from dust, dyes, strong fragrances, smoke, hot water, the sun, sweat, and many other external factors that might cause the skin to overreact. Constant use of emollient agents is necessary to replace the barrier that is naturally impaired in this people.

Contraindications of Waxing for Eczema Patients

First, you should know that waxing is possible for people with eczema, mainly because it doesn't have to be as frequent as shaving. Waxing will avoid the constant chafing of the skin and the use of shaving foam – which can be irritant.

    • Don't attempt to do it yourself. Go to a professional, they'll know how to handle any problem that comes along, and they have the technical knowledge, so you'll save the hassles and risks of doing something you aren't experienced at.


    • Never wax near a flare-up. Wait until your skin feels completely soothed.


    • Don't use gel pre- or post-depilatories. Use oils instead because they'll provide more comfort to the skin. If the pre- and post-depilatory products contain antiseptic ingredients, much better: they'll protect cracked and vulnerable skin from deeper skin trauma that can bring infection.


    • Never undergo waxing without conducting a patch test first. It's the best way to make sure that the product you'll be getting on your skin is suitable for you, as everyone may have different reactions.


  • Don't leave the salon without having an emollient lotion applied.Eczema patients must strictly follow all the waxing aftercare tips to avoid serious flare-ups.


Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease. Basically, the immune system mistakes skin tissues for strange agents that must be attacked. This ailment is not contagious; it just responds to genetic makeup and a hereditary predisposition. Psoriasis looks like rough, itchy, and scaly patches of skin all over the body.

There are common triggers to psoriasis such as stress, infection, temperature changes, skin injury, and even reactions to medications or allergens. Unfortunately, this skin condition doesn't get completely cured either. It has flare-ups and it goes into remission in cycles. When there is injury or trauma to the skin, you can develop psoriasis patches on the affected skin, so it is vital that hair removal on psoriasis patients is as gentle as possible.

Contraindications of Waxing for Psoriasis Patients

    • Do not wax during or near a flare up. Waxing on cracked skin will hurt a lot and might rip skin off and cause injury and possibly infection. The best time to wax is during remission. Wait until you feel safe and convinced that your last flareup is far.


    • Try not to wax on more humid spots like the underarms if they are prone to lesions. These areas might develop psoriasis more easily. On healed areas however, waxing might be useful at removing the topmost flaky layer of skin, which can make the lesions look better.


    • Do not forget to moisturize the area well to prevent and soothe any damage.


  • Do not use wax too hot; be careful with temperature. Use only low melting point waxes and test the temperature on the wrist before applying.Herpes

Herpes is a virus that comes in many variations, which can have different manifestation and affect different body parts. It is fairly common and highly contagious. This virus and other contagious skin problems are the reason why it is essential for all beauty professionals to have high standards when it comes to hygiene.

Pretty much everyone is exposed to herpes, and it is often not possible to visually know who has it. This virus does not disappear from the body, and people who have it can still pass it on.

Contraindications of Waxing for Herpes Patients

    • Don't go to a salon if strict hygiene measures are not observed. This applies to every other skin condition, but it is especially important with herpes and other types of infections that can be transmitted skin-to-skin. If you are carrying herpes, you could become a source of infection for other clients – or catch any other – when hygiene is poor in the wax room. If your beauty professional is not wearing gloves or double-dips, run for the door!


    • Do not get waxed if you have any active lesions, like warts, rashes, or others.


  • Do not omit your diagnosis to a beauty professional if you are asked directly or on a survey. The professional is not there to judge or discriminate; they'll just take the necessary precautions and hygiene measures for your case.Acne

This is one of the most common skin conditions, and while you might think it mostly affects teenagers, many people suffer it beyond this stage. Acne consists of clogged hair follicles and sebaceous glands. The clog can happen because of hormonal changes, temperature changes, food triggers, dirt, or irritants to the skin. Mild acne usually consists of small pimples and blackhead or whiteheads, and more severe versions come with cysts and nodules.

Usually, acne is treated with medication which sensitizes skin because it causes exfoliation of layers. Waxing, too, exfoliates the skin, so there are major reservations when it comes to using waxing with this skin problem.

Contraindications of Waxing for Acne Patients

    • Never wax on broken, inflamed skin or lesions from acne, no matter if it's mild acne.


    • NEVER wax if you've been on acne medication for the last year. Retinoids are not safe to combine with waxing, either.


  • Do not wax on acne patients before asking them how they have been treating it. For instance, someone who has overcome a serious breakout or is already off medication might have been using a bleaching agent or whitening treatment, had chemical peelings or facials or other beauty treatments recently. All these things might sensitize skin, and the patient might be well off waiting for a while before getting waxed at all. Other products to look out for are benzoyl peroxide, AHAs, salicylic acid, some exfoliants, and some antibiotics.Skin tags and moles

Skin tags are raised and attached to the skin from a stalk. They usually appear in skin folds because of the constant friction in these places, and sometimes they obey to hormonal changes or heredity. Moles on the other hand, don't have a stalk; they are just raised from the skin surface.

Contraindications of Waxing on Skin Tags and Moles

While there is no absolute waxing contraindication on these, it's important to be extremely careful when waxing around them.

    • Do not wax directly on skin tags or moles. They might get lifted and cause mild to moderate bleeding, get irritated or change their characteristics.


    • Do not forget to apply antiseptic products to protect around them. Skin tags and moles can make the area of the skin they're on more vulnerable to infection.


  • Do not use any wax; use only sensitive skin waxes and waxing products.

Now you know everything about the contraindications of waxing for the most common skin problems. We hope our information was helpful, whether you're an esthetician or a client looking for answers before an appointment. You can expand on your knowledge by taking a look at our previous blog posts: "When not to Wax" and "The Do's and Don'ts's of Post Waxing Care." Beauty pros: the quality of your products will make a world of difference for your clients with skin issues. Get only professional grade waxes like Beauty Image's. If you want to learn more, call us at TOLL FREE 888-513-8815 or fill out the contact form on this website. Also, subscribe to our newsletter to get the best from our news right in your inbox!

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About Author

Adriana Mendez is the CEO of Beauty Image USA, a leading brand in the beauty industry dedicated to providing estheticians, cosmetologists, salons, spas, and licensed beauty professionals with high-quality and sustainable hair removal products. From wax to pre- and post-care products, Adriana's commitment to excellence ensures that Beauty Image USA consistently delivers products of the highest standard.
