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Mar 09, 2022

Hair removal treatments are currently possible for nearly all parts of the body, with wax treatments that can cover large expanses of skin in a single session. Hard Body Waxes are usually reserved for treatments where the skin is more sensitive, pulling the hairs without ever adhering to the skin. In this category, Brazilian waxes have steadily become more popular among seasoned salon-goers, which is no surprise when you see it as a swift, clean method to treat one of the areas where body hair is hardest to control.

Now, all wax treatments ensure long-lasting results, but each part of the body is different in terms of how long the skin can stay smooth before the hair starts to grow back. When it comes to Brazilian waxes, knowing about the hair's regrowth rate is extra important. Booking a wax appointment too early may result in more problems, and the intimate area is already prone to pain without adding g a misplaced waxing session into the mix.

What Are Brazilian Waxes?

As many other modern procedures, Brazilian waxes have thrived as a result of relatively new trends, specifically the standards that spread around 2010 encouraging women to either trim the hairs around the pubic area or keep it fully bare.

A Brazilian wax refers to a wax treatment that removes all the body hair in a person's privates. You wax all the hair from the pubic bone to the butt crack, sometimes including the bikini line starting at the thighs and bellow the navel. For some salons, a typical Brazilian wax leaves a clean triangle of hair over the pubic bone, setting a distinction between this method and a wax treatment that removes all the hair.

In most cases, a Brazilian wax will depend on the client's preference. People have the option to specify how much hair they want to have removed and whether they want to keep a particular area untouched. Estheticians and salons also tend to go the extra mile, offering different options and treatment packages to help clients with their decision.

How Often Should I Get a Brazilian Wax?

The answer to this question depends on how far you are into your waxing regime. Most people are expected to wait from 3 to 6 weeks after their first Brazilian wax to make a new appointment. In most cases, it's easy for them to stick to a 3-week waiting period from then on. Now, can you get a wax every 3 weeks without altering that schedule?

You need to monitor your skin after each session. Like all professional wax treatments, Brazilian waxes provide long-lasting results that extend the time between sessions for regular clients. The hair gradually starts growing thinner and some follicles stop producing hair altogether, so people have less hair to deal with and more time in between sessions.

The waiting period tends to be 3-4 weeks, depending on certain factors like a woman's period cycle or the amount of hair that grows back. In the end, you can wait longer than that or schedule an earlier session, but in all cases, you need to make sure the hair has grown at least 1/4 of an inch. If you try to wax the area when the hair is shorter, you risk injuring the skin and increase the chances of getting ingrown hairs. More importantly, you may disrupt the hairs' regrowth cycle that's been set with the previous wax session(s).

In the end, no one knows your hair regrowth's rate better than yourself, so it's no use to set a wax regime based on other people's experience. The period between wax sessions is not set in stone, and changes can be made according to how the skin responds to the wax.

Ensuring a Safe Waxing Experience

Your safety should always be the main priority, and this is particularly true for intimate wax treatments. So, don't be afraid to ask questions before embarking into the world of Brazilian waxes. If you want to know what to expect, you can ask your esthetician, your dermatologist, or other clients in your acquaintance. This can also help you figure out if a service is not following proper hygiene guidelines and recognize when an esthetician is not doing their best to create a safe, pleasant environment.

Here are some useful pointers:

  • Brazilian waxes should be left to professional estheticians. When you book a professional service, you guarantee precision in an area that's difficult to treat on your own. This will also give you a chance to relax and bring all discomfort levels to a minimum, since your esthetician will always keep your well-being in mind.

  • A licensed salon or spa should always uphold the highest hygiene standards, starting with a clean workstation and all the public health measures during wax treatments. Your esthetician should wear latex gloves at all times, use only tools that have been sterilized beforehand, and avoid instances of double dipping.

  • Wash the area in advance, just not right before waxing. You don't want any soap or product residue potentially clogging the pores. In the same vein, avoid sweating or exerting yourself on your way to the appointment.

  • If this is your first Brazilian wax, pay attention to your schedule. Wax treatments come with a 48-hour healing period, and the skin may be particularly vulnerable after being subjected to the wax for the first time. Book your appointment at least one week after your period has ended to make the treatment less painful, and choose a date with few activities in between, so you can let the skin rest without unnecessary friction or sudden temperature changes.

  • You'll get a post-wax treatment right after the Brazilian wax, and you can continue soothing the skin on your own with cool compresses in the days that follow. Many of the post-wax lotions you use for other treatments may not be the best choice in such a vulnerable area so take note of your esthetician's recommendations to help your skin care routine post-wax.

The best products for your Brazilian waxes are in one place. Beauty Image USA has the most sophisticated wax formulas to treat sensitive skins confidently and without risks. We've spent years expanding our catalog as we perfect our products to ensure there's something for every client, always keeping the highest quality standards in all our products and accessories. To get any of our products, you can call TOLL FREE 888-513-8815 or fill out our website's contact form and we'll answer all your questions so you can start making the best of all our deals and promotions. And don't forget to subscribe to our a newsletter to get the latest news and tips straight to your inbox.

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About Author

Adriana Mendez is the CEO of Beauty Image USA, a leading brand in the beauty industry dedicated to providing estheticians, cosmetologists, salons, spas, and licensed beauty professionals with high-quality and sustainable hair removal products. From wax to pre- and post-care products, Adriana's commitment to excellence ensures that Beauty Image USA consistently delivers products of the highest standard.
